Till BaNeFF vänner och partners,
48 minuter före BaNeFF 2014 premiär och 22 timmar före den grekiska filmvisningen, Grekisk filmcenter GFC beslutar att stoppa filmvisningen av den grekiska filmen The Tree and The Swing, regi Maria Douza, med filmvisningstid idag kl. 16.00 på ZITA – stora salongen. Läs under brevet!
Dear Balkan New Film Festival organisers,
A most unfortunate situation has occurred which has put the Greek Film Center, Greek State Television andproduction company Steficon (producers of the film “The Tree and the Swing”) in a very difficult position.
The Greek Embassy of Stockholm has brought to our attention that, in the presentation of the films and their creators, and in all promotional material (posters, catalogue, banners etc.) BaNeFF uses the name Macedonia when referring to Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, which – pending a mutually agreed solution to the name issue – is the provisional name for that Balkan state and the only one that abides by the letter and spirit of the UN resolutions on the matter.
As a state organization we are obliged to abide by our country’s official position in this highly sensitive matter of foreign affairs, and, since there is no time for you to amend this error, we regret to announce our decision towithdraw the Greek film from the festival. We are sorry for the inconvenience we cause both to theBaNeFF and Greek film director Maria Douza, but any other decision would be in conflict with our country’s line of negotiations in this matter.
Thank you for your understanding. We wish you every success in your festival.
Best regards
Head of promotion