BaNeFF doc:short AWARDS engl

Balkan New Film Festival doc.short 2016 Awards, 18-22 December

Category – Short Film

1st Award: Paparuda 2015, Moldova, 15′

Director: Lucia Lupu – guets of the BaNeFF

Motivation: Deprivation of water to people opens gate of barbarism. Genocide starts by deprivation of the most basic things: a name, a glass of water or nationality, as Hannah Arendt wrote.


Uskraćivanje vode ljudima otvara ponore barbarstva. Genocid počinje oduzimanjem prava na najosnovnije stvari: vlastito ime, čašu vode ili državljanstvo, kao što je Hannah Arendt napisala.

2nd Award: RAISA 2016, Moldova, Austria, Romania, 15′

Director: Pavel Cuzuioc

Motivation: Deeply human film about big things made with a scarce resources, respecting the subject and the intelligence of the audience.

Duboko ljudski film koji govori o velikim stvarima s malim sredstvima, poštujući temu i inteligenciju publike.

3rd Award: Cadoul/The Gift 2014, Romania, Moldova, 18′

Director: Dumitru Grosei


Motivation: Well-made film about rituals that requires entry into the world of “real” men. Ominous tones are suggesting the sad end. The film uses a powerful language to speak about the mentality of Machoism. With a small number of very distinct images and almost without the dialogue, film builds strong and very poignant story of a world of man’s growing up.


Dobro sačinjen film o ritualima koje zahteva ulazak u svet „pravih“ muškaraca.

Zloslutni tonovi nagoveštavaju tužni kraj. Film govori snažnim jezikom o mentalitetu machoisma. Uz mali broj vrlo distinktnih slika i skoro bez replika, film gradi snažnu i vrlo upečatljivu priču o muškom svetu odrastanja.

Category – Documentary film

1st Award: Neželjena baština/Unwanted heritage 2016, Croatia, 99′

Director: Irena Škorić

Motivation: A film that makes us think about the big issues that are much more than the history of the Balkans and concerns all of us. How to deal with the recent history and its monuments? This is the big question for many who were born in Yugoslavia, a country that no longer exists. Monument is not just a piece of material of course, but a work of art and a part of the collective memory.

Film koji navodi na razmišljanje o velikim pitanjima koja dotiču mnogo više od istorije Balkana i tiču se svih nas. Kako se treba odnositi prema nedavnoj istoriji i njenim spomenicima? To je veliko pitanje za mnoge koji su se rodili u Jugoslaviji, zemlji koja više ne postoji. Spomenik naravno nije, samo komad materijala već umetničko delo i deo kolektivnog sećanja.

2nd Award: Jadranka 2015, Bosnia and Hercegovina, 72′

Director: Branko Lazić

Motivation: A sensual portrait of the great artist that gives us a picture of the music scene that is unknown for many (people) outside the Balkans. Although it takes place in a clinic (nursing home), film carries the rhythm and tones that captivate.

Senzibilni portret velike umetnice koji daje sliku muzičke scene koju mnogi izvan Balkana ne poznaju. Iako se odvija u jednoj klinici (staračkom domu) film nosi ritam i tonove koji plene.

3rd Award: Segítség/HELP 2015, Hungary, 10′

Director: Bojána Papp – guest of the BaNeFF

Motivation: A “pure” documentary film that describes the volunteer work of civil society in Hungary, which provides help to refugees. A story that here in Sweden has never been told.

“Čisti” dokumentarac koji opisuje volonterski rad civilnog društva u Mađarskoj koje pruža pomoć izbeglicama. Jedna priča koja ovde u Švedskoj nikad nije ispričana.

Category – Experimental/Animated film

Parallel Dreams 2015, short film, USA, 7′

Director: Aleksandar Kostić

Motivation: A “mini” film, which is (possibly) inspired by the work of Ingmar Bergman. A film about something which could be called in Sweden in the eighties – the nucleus of the bourgeois family with its social patterns that lead to social and emotional vacuum.

Jedan “mini” film koji je (moguće) inspirisan radom Ingmar Bergmana. Film o tome, što bi se u Švedskoj osamdesetih moglo nazvati, nukleus buržoaske porodice sa njenim društvenim obrascima koji vode u socijalni i emocionalni vakuum.

Special Festival Award:

Kuda dalje/Turning point 2015, Serbia, 58′


Director: Jelena Radenović


Motivation: A film in the spirit of the Festival, that talks about voluntary exile. Worlds meet and interweave and destinies change. This is a film story about brave and educated women from a generation that doesn’t have much to lose by deciding to go into the unknown world. The film gives an overview of the extent to which the act of leaving is also a path to the essence of existence and to the re-examination of our own ideals, visions, delusions and efforts.


Za film koji u duhu festivala govori o dobrovoljnom egzilu. Svetovi se susreću, prelamaju i sudbine se mijenjaju. To je filmska priča o hrabrim i obrazovanim ženama iz generacije koja nema puno da izgubiti time sto se opredeljuje za put u svet. Film daje prikaz toga koliko je u stvari napuštanje, istovremeno i put u srz postojanja i preispitivanja sopstvenih ideala, vizija, zabluda i napora.


Special Jury Award:


Mora da ovo nije sve/There has to be more than this 2016, Serbia, 75′


Director: Uroš Maksimović


Motivation: A documentary about how the engagement of civil society and the individuals can win the institutional rigidity and how one Facebook page in Serbia and collecting football shirts can be life-saving for critically ill girl.


Dokumentarac o tome kako se civilnim društvom i angažmanom pojedinca pobeđuje institucionalna krutost, kako jedna Facebook stranica u Srbiji i sakupljanje fudbalskih majci spašava život kritično bolesne devojčice.


Jury members:

Olgica Lindquist – a journalist and MA in Film Studies

Nils Claesson – a lecturer and filmmaker

Håkan Pieniowski – a filmmaker