Eftersom vi inte hann visa två BaNeFF långspelfilmer 2020 DELIRIUM TREMENS och A PICTURE WITH YUKI, vi ska göra det den 6 december från kl 14.00, Identitet, Odengatan 15.
Vi har 5 platser kvar.
Först till kvarn… anmälan obligatorisk.
08221190, info@baneff.com
Posto smo zbog pandemije propustili dva filma ovogodisnjeg BaNeFF izdanja – posebno prikazivanje imamo u nedelju 6. decembra od 14.00 Delirijum Tremens i Fotografija s Juki, Identitet, Odengatan 15.
Ostalo je jos 5 mesta
Ko prvi devojci… prijava obavezna.
08221190, info@baneff.com
14.00 Delirijum tremens/Delirijum tremens
Serbia, 2019, drama, 112’, Serbian with English subtitle
Dagi is a famous actor, but a heavy drinker. At one point his condition becomes critical and he ends up in the hospital where he is diagnosed with delirium tremens. Having lost sensation in his limbs, incapable of grasping what is happening around him, imagination plays tricks on him, and as he falls into delirium he finds himself in surreal situations. Once he comes round, he realizes that his life has been ruined and attempts suicide.
Director: Goran Markovic
Production company: Radio Television of Serbia
Cast: Tihomir Stanić, Gorica Popović,Anita Mančić,Igor Djordjević,Dragan Petrović,Bereda Rashit
16.00 Снимка с Юки/A Picture with Yuki,Bulgarian, 2019, drama, 110, Bulgarian, English wiht English subtitles
A Bulgarian man and his Japanese wife, who have met and got married while living as immigrants in Canada, are planning to have a baby and travel to Bulgaria in order to begin an in vitro fertilisation procedure. There, they get involved in a tragic incident which claims the life of a child. Nothing can be the same anymore.
Director:Lachezar Avramov
Production Company: Chouchkov Brothers
Producer: Borislav ChouchkovLAst two film